The Ukrainian Biochemical Society

Mission & Vision

The Ukrainian Biochemical Society (UBS) unites biochemists, molecular biologists, cell biologists and scientists from other related fields of sciences in order to support the advancement of biochemistry and molecular biology, to develop scientific collaboration between the research teams and biotechnology industries for sustainable development. Special attention is paid to the prospective research carried on independently by young scientists to encourage all types of their activities and provide grounds for future development.

Key Activities

  • National Congresses of Biochemistry are organised by UBS each 4 or 5 years in different cities of Ukraine and usually they gather about 600 participants.
  • Parnas Conferences are Polish – Ukrainian – Israeli Biochemical Conferences dedicated to Jakub Karol Parnas. Initially, Parnas Conferences were hosted every second year in turn by the Polish and the Ukrainian Biochemical Societies. More recently, the Parnas Conferences have been held as a trilateral Polish–Ukrainian–Israeli event funded through the FEBS3+ programme. In 2011, it was held in Warsaw, Poland; in 2013– in Jerusalem, Israel. X Parnas Conference was held in Wrocław in September 2016.


The UBS was founded by Professor A.Palladin in 1925 as Ukrainian Society of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology.

In 1958 by the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine this joint Society was split into three separate societies with The Ukrainian Biochemical Society among them. All these years from 1928 until his death in 1972 Professor Palladin was the President of the Society. UBS is the full member of FEBS since 1994 and associate member of IUBMB since 1993.

Headquarters of the UBS are traditionally located in Palladin Institute of Biochemistry in Kyiv (Kiev) and this Institute usually provides staff and infrastructure for the operation of the Society.

Palladin Institute of Biochemistry and the Ukrainian Biochemical Society jointly publish the Ukrainian Biochemical Journal (founded in 1926).


The current membership of UBS is more than 500 scientists.

Among non-residential members there are several scientists from the neighboring Byelorussia.


Prof. Sergiy Komisarenko (President)
Prof. Tatiana Borisova (Secretary)
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry
Kiev, Ukraine
[email protected]

[email protected]