FEBS Congress bursaries
Early-career researchers presenting their work at the 49th FEBS Congress in Istanbul, Türkiye, 5–9 July 2025, may be eligible to apply for a FEBS bursary to support participation.
FEBS bursaries aim to help PhD students and postdocs (within 5 years of receiving their PhD) from outside the host country participate in a FEBS Congress when submitting an abstract to the event as first author. For the 2025 FEBS Congress, FEBS bursaries will cover the ‘Young scientist’ early registration fee, and make a €500 contribution towards travel/accommodation.
Full details on eligibility and how to apply are on the FEBS bursaries page of the Congress website. Among the requirements is membership of a FEBS Constituent Society.
The FEBS bursaries application deadline is 13 March 2025.
You can also find details on a bursary scheme from the Turkish Biochemical Society (for early-career scientists in Türkiye) on the Congress website.
FEBS Congress Mathias Sprinzl Scheme
The FEBS Congress Mathias Sprinzl scheme aims to encourage active participation in the Congress of scientists from FEBS Constituent Societies in Hinari (Research4Life) countries in the FEBS area (Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Moldova, Morocco, Tunisia, Ukraine) – by providing a 50% reduction in the early registration fee of eligible applicants presenting their work at the event.
The scheme is for PhD holders who are submitting an abstract to the Congress as first author and are not eligible for FEBS Congress bursaries.
The application deadline is 30 January 2025.
Find more information on the Sprinzl scheme webpage of the Congress website, noting some changes in the guidelines from previous years. There are also a small number of Sprinzl travel grants available.