News: page 7


Late-breaking abstract submission is now open for the 47th FEBS Congress

Submit your abstract by 24 May 2023 for a poster presentation at the event
FEBS Excellence Awards call_tn2

Applications for the FEBS Excellence Awards 2023 are now invited

Find out about this prestigious funding opportunity for early-career group leaders in the FEBS area
ISE and FEBS logos

FEBS re-joins the Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE)

The two organisations are looking forward to collaborating on a range of activities

FEBS Education Joint Workshop: Evolving molecular bioscience education

Apply by 26 March 2023 for bursaries from the FEBS Education Committee to support participation in this event

Presentation opportunities at the 47th FEBS Congress

Submit your abstract now!

Call for host labs for IUBMB-FEBS-FASBMB PROBio-Africa Fellowships Programme

Find out how to play a part in this new joint initiative