FEBS Advanced Courses offer learning, research updates, training and networking, and are especially useful to early-career scientists. Registration is still open for the events below: find out all the details via the links to each event. FEBS Youth Travel Fund grants are available.
Computational systems biology of cancer: multimodal data integration
Paris, France
September 26–30, 2022
An extensive molecular characterization of cancers using high-throughput and advanced imaging technologies and spatial transcriptomics generated multi-scale data. The data are not fully exploited to provide the clue on deregulated mechanisms that would improve patients’ stratification and specific treatment in cancer. The objective of the course, the fifth in a series, is to promote better use of computational approaches as AI text mining tools, mathematical modelling and predictive models and multi-modal data integration methods in biological and clinical research.
Organizer: Inna Kuperstein
Deadline for applications: July 30, 2022
Joint IUBMB/FEBS Advanced Lecture Course on
Molecular targets for anti-aging interventions (MoTAI)
Spetses Island, Greece
September 26 – October 1, 2022
The course will cover a wide range of issues related to aging, age-related disorders and anti-aging interventions. Fundamental biological principles and basic signaling pathways involved in the aging process and age-related diseases, like cholesterol metabolism, cytochrome C pathway, proteolysis, genomic stability, damage and repair will be in the focus of the course. In addition, various anti-aging interventions, starting from the non-pharmacological approaches like dietary restriction and changing of daily habits, to pharmacological therapies, will be covered. The program includes lectures, tutorials and roundtable discussions, as well as poster and oral presentations given by the student participants.
Organizers: Aleksandra Mladenovic, Efstathios Gonos, Silva Katusic Hecimovic
Deadline for applications: August 30, 2022
360° Lysosome; from structure to genomics, from function to disease: update
Kusadasi, Izmir, Turkey
October 4–9, 2022
The main topics of this course will be lysosome biology and function, new metabolic and signalling insights into the function of lysosomes, and pathophysiological mechanisms of lysosomal dysfunction in living cells. This course will bring together basic scientists studying lysosome function as well as lab researchers and clinicians working in the unique field of molecular and cellular aspects of lysosomal storage diseases.
Organizers: Eser Y. Sozmen, Konrad Sandhoff, Ebru D. Sezer
Deadline for applications: YTFs, July 15, 2022; Other, July 29, 2022
4th Danube Conference on Epigenetics
Budapest, Hungary
October 18–21, 2022
After last year’s success of the FEBS Danube Webinar Series, the Danube Conference on Epigenetics will return in 2022 as an in-person event. The conference will bring together scientists to discuss a range of topics in the field of epigenetics: from transcriptional regulation, through chromatin modifications, nuclear architecture, transgenerational inheritance and metabolism to DNA methylation. Lectures by leading experts in the field will be followed by poster sessions in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, this year’s program will again feature a dedicated hands-on session on “How to write better scientific papers”, with a specific focus on data visualisation. After the exciting sessions, evenings are shared with new and old friends during social events, ideal for interacting one-on-one with invited speakers. If you wish to immerse yourself in the full spectrum of epigenetics in a friendly atmosphere, then join us in Budapest in October 2022!
Organizer: Tamás Arányi
Deadline for applications: July 15, 2022
Proteolysis: at the interface between health and disease
Bled, Slovenia
September 17–21, 2022
This workshop aims to address current issues, progress and expansion in the field of proteases, protein inhibitors and their mechanisms of control under physiological and pathological conditions. Several sections will be devoted to proteases, protease inhibitors, regulation and proteolytic control with emphasis on their role in diseases, as well as on novel therapeutic approaches, and in vivo imaging and diagnostic strategies which tackle protease activities. There will also be time devoted to tutoring and mentoring activities, which are crucial for knowledge exchange among senior scientists and early-career researchers (for example open discussion about scientific integrity, career development and a workshop on efficient visual communication).
Organizer: Boris Turk
Deadline for applications: July 31, 2022