Banner of the IUBMB-FEBS-PABMB Congress 2022

Early-career researchers presenting their work at the IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB Congress in Lisbon, Portugal, 9–14 July 2022, may be eligible to apply for a FEBS bursary to support participation.

FEBS bursaries aim to help PhD students and postdocs from outside the host country participate in a FEBS Congress when submitting an abstract to the event as first author. For the IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB Congress, FEBS bursaries will cover the ‘Young scientist’ early bird registration fee, and make a €400 contribution towards travel/accommodation.

Full details on eligibility and how to apply are on the FEBS bursaries page of the Congress website. Note that 2022 FEBS bursaries are for early-career FEBS members studying or working in a FEBS country. A ‘FEBS member’ is a member of one of the national biochemical and molecular biology societies that make up FEBS (its ‘Constituent Societies’); a ‘FEBS country’ is a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society. You can find links to all the Constituent Societies of FEBS via the Our Members section of the FEBS website.

The FEBS bursaries application deadline is March 10, 2022.

You can also find details on bursary schemes from the Portuguese Biochemical Society (for early-career scientists in Portugal) and from IUBMB (for early-career scientists from IUBMB countries beyond the FEBS area) on the Congress website.