The FEBS Advanced Courses Committee invites proposals from expert scientists interested in organizing an event in 2024 with financial support from FEBS as part of next year’s FEBS Advanced Courses programme. Arranging such an event provides organizers with great opportunities for impact in their chosen field.
The upcoming applications deadline is 1 March 2023.
FEBS Advanced Courses take place throughout the area of Europe and neighbouring regions on important and timely topics in the molecular life sciences – in the form of Advanced Lecture Courses, Workshops, Practical Courses, combined Practical and Lecture Courses, and Special Meetings. The current course grants are as follows: FEBS Advanced Lecture Courses, €25,000; FEBS/EMBO Lecture Courses, €30,000; FEBS Workshops, €20,000; FEBS Practical Courses, €20,000; FEBS Special Meeting, €40,000. As part of their application, organizers can also request financial support for attendance of a number of PhD students and postdoctoral fellows at the event through FEBS Youth Travel Fund (YTF) grants.
View the guidelines for prospective organizers, including a downloadable pdf for detailed information.
For queries, do not hesitate to contact the Advanced Courses Committee Chair, Prof. Beáta Vértessy, via [email protected], who will be happy to answer any questions.