Twenty years ago, the initial FEBS crystallization course took place in the Czech Republic, becoming a celebrated tradition for students and postdocs worldwide. Not even pandemics halted its continuity, with the ninth course held offline in August 2021. Given its enduring popularity, the organizers will organize the tenth-anniversary edition in June 2024. While cryoEM advances have transformed structural biology, X-ray diffraction remains vital, particularly for studying protein–inhibitor/substrate complexes. However, the challenges in biological macromolecule crystallization persist. The course aims to bridge the gap between new insights and practical application, fostering rational approaches. Renowned experts will guide students, maintaining the tradition of these successful courses, with added topics such as fragment-screening, intracellular crystallization, and cryo-EM basics. The course’s practical focus, theory discussions, and laboratory experiments create a unique learning experience, building on past successes. Lecturers from the past courses are invited, providing their valuable expertise to participants.
Organizers: Ivana Kuta Smatanova with co-organizers Pavlina Rezacova, Jeroen R. Mesters, Jose A. Gavira Gallardo