The transglutaminase enzymes are extremely important to normal biological function, having been recognized to perform a myriad of roles relating to signal transduction and protein crosslinking. Dysregulation of their function or expression is the basis of a host of pathologic conditions including fibrosis, inflammation, cancer, celiac disease, skin diseases, diabetes, blood disorders and neurodegenerative disease, and there is a tremendous interest in transglutaminase type 2 as a therapeutic target.
The proposed FEBS Workshop is a much anticipated scientific meeting on known and emerging transglutaminase-related diseases, new methods for detection and novel translational aspects for treatment. It aims to bring together an international group of senior academic and industrial members, with as many as possible early career scientists, future leaders and drivers of this expanding field. The Workshop will feature presentations relevant to all the pathological conditions for which transglutaminase is a relevant target, and will also focus on emerging diseases associated with this class of enzymes, and new methods for their investigation. Additional training sessions will focus on career development and grant capturing. There will be plenty of opportunities for poster or selected oral presentations. Our evening programme is designed to encourage networking and to enjoy all that idyllic Bertinoro has to offer.
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Organizers: Elisabetta Verderio Edwards, Kiyotaka Hitomi