LS2 Annual Meeting 2024
14th - 15th February 2024
This year’s Annual Meeting holds the theme “Exploring the Wonders of Life”, reflecting our collective dedication to unraveling the mysteries of the natural world. The event will start with the Young Scientists’ Satellite, with a keynote lecture by Dr. Melina Schuh from Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences (DE) on her research on human fertilization. The main meeting features three keynote lectures delivered by Prof. Nicole King from the University of California, Berkeley (US), Dr. Samer Hattar from the National Institute of Mental Health (US), and Dr. Pavel Tomancak from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (DE). These keynote lectures cover the research topics of the origin of animals, the role of light in mood and cognition, and the evolution of morphogenesis.
The program also includes scientific symposia organized by the various LS2 sections and partners, with 9 invited speakers and over 40 speakers who will be selected based on their abstract submissions. We will also have laureate talks by the recipients of the Prix Schläfli, Friedrich Miescher Award, and the Lelio Orci Award. In addition, there will be two poster sessions and a large industry exhibition area to encourage scientific interactions. The abstract submission deadline is 8 November 2023 (23:59h CET). Please visit the meeting website for more information.
Location: Lausanne, Switzerland
Organizers: LS2 (Life Sciences Switzerland)