FEBS & SBP Education Workshop: SPIB2023
12th - 13th October 2023
FEBS & SBP (Portuguese Biochemical Society) Education Workshop: SPIB2023
Symposium on Pedagogical Innovation in Biosciences – How to Engage Students in Our Practices?
This event is jointly organized by IUBMB & University of Aveiro & University of Minho
The main themes of the sessions are Pedagogical Innovations for Better Learning, Students’ Engagement in our Practices, and The 4C’s skills for Biosciences students to Succeed in the Workplace (Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Communication). Posters and oral communications on aspects of molecular life sciences education are warmly invited.
FEBS Education Committee will award five bursaries (400 Euros each) to partially cover the registration fee and travel expenses of participants from FEBS Constituent Societies. Priority will be given to postgraduate students or early-career researchers interested in education. For more information, and to apply for bursaries, please visit https://spib15.wixsite.com/spib2023.
Location: Aveiro, Portugal
Website: https://spib15.wixsite.com/spib2023